“Should I travel by flight, car or train?”

Safety Passport
3 min readSep 29, 2020


Transportation in all its forms has been impacted by Covid19. Many people while planning their trip are considering if it is safe to travel by public transport or if a good car trip is the way to go. Of course, some long-distance destinations can only be reached by flight; but there might be some decision-making process involved when traveling within a country or nearby countries.

Traveling by car might seem like the safest option, which might actually be if you still behave according to safety measures. Long car rides still involve stops, either overnight or within the day. My suggestion is to pack as much as possible in terms of drinks and snack to avoid too many stops. However, a stop along the way might be necessary. Restaurants, cafés or service area are places visited by many people coming from all places, make sure you keep your distance, avoid touching surfaces and wash your hands at your stop. If you are staying overnight, consider booking your place in advance to check the measures the venue is applying.

If you are crossing countries when driving, you should be aware of other’s countries Covid19 regulations. You might get stopped at the boarders of the country you are entering: make sure you have checked if they will allow you in as a foreign travelers, the regulations of that country and if quarantine is mandatory before/after entering it.

If you are traveling by plane there are multiple things you should consider. First of all, make sure you have booked your ticket in advance, some companies have way less aircrafts departing due to less passengers flying. About the #airportexperience: masks are mandatory at all times and through your entire journey to your destination country. However, know that your mask is not “effective” anymore after 3 hours of use, make sure you have more than one with you. At the airport distancing measures are strictly applied and you should keep an eye on all the signs they provide to guide you throughout the airport while being distant from other household groups/people. My suggestion is to get to the airport earlier than you normally would because each step at the airport takes longer now. In addition, be prepared to some eventual delay to your departure time. On your flight masks are mandatory at all time and I strongly suggest you keep it on especially where the 1.5 meters distance between passengers cannot be kept. Some countries will test you at the airport of destination before you will be allowed in the city; if you have a connecting flight that is not the case

If you are traveling by train monitor train availability because in this case as well, trains departure times might be subject to change. In some countries because of Covid19 less passengers can be welcomed on board, so you might want to get to the train station earlier as well. Some train companies are also limiting ticket sales on reserved services to allow social distancing on board. In general, stay clean at all times and sanitize your area before touching any surface.

Overall when traveling from one country/state/region to another check #regulations and safety #measures: many countries are now asking for medical certificates that prove your #well-being or proof of a test taken no longer than 72 before your arrival.



Safety Passport

FAQs and information about traveling during a pandemic