“What Should I Be Aware of When Traveling During Covid19?”

Safety Passport
3 min readSep 24, 2020


I don’t know about you but #planning and #booking have always been something I love about trips.

Reading about my destination, checking out restaurants in my area of interest, find activities and then planning my days of vacation, it’s just something I absolutely love doing!

Of course things were easier when #Covid19 was not around, but to make it handier for anyone who is starting to plan their trip, I have listed a few things everyone should take into consideration before booking during this crisis time.

First and most important, check your country of destination’s Covid19 updates. Not all countries are acting the same upon the pandemic, don’t underestimate some unknown measures and controls that are not applied in your home county! I have traveled to the UK, Italy and The Netherlands over the past months and even within the European Community they all applied different measures that I was only aware of because I did my research ahead of time and kept myself updated.

Websites you might want to check are:

Secondly, get informed on your chosen transportation method’s safety measures. Are you flying, driving or taking the train/bus? Whichever transport you choose for your journey, make sure you are traveling safe (measures other than masks and social distancing might apply). Some airports have additional safety procedures; some flight companies are allowing extra carriage of liquids in a hand luggage to allow passengers to bring your hand sanitizer and other disinfectants; trains might run more often but with less carriage in numbers of people.

Then, contact your B&B/hotel to ask what you need to do before and during your stay. Your hotel might require a certificate that proves your well-being, or your B&B host might want to keep distance and organize your meeting online. Make sure you communicate with them ahead of time so that everything can run smoothly and in safety.

Very important point: make reservations. If one thing Covid19 though is to respect space between people; thus, restricted areas such as restaurants, bars, museums have to apply social distance which means less spots available. So do not forget to reserve a table at your favorite restaurant, you book the attraction you always wanted to go to, and you buy the ticket for the newly open museum.

Lastly, but not to underestimate, make sure to have different payment methods available on you. Because of the transmission of the virus through surfaces and hands, many places do not take cash anymore to avoid contact between people. They are now only allowing card payments and sometimes only contactless. My suggestion is either have these types of payment with you during your trip or make the effort of checking each place you booked payment allowance.

Now that you know these simple handy suggestions, I believe you are ready to start your booking! Have fun, keep being #safe and stay updated for more articles coming soon.



Safety Passport

FAQs and information about traveling during a pandemic